Tea: Morita Sayama Sencha

ss (2013-06-26 at 02.22.10)

Tea: Morita Sayama Sencha
Website Vendor: Yunomi.us 

This was part of my last order with Yunomi.us. I had been wanting to try to get into Japanese style teas, but didn’t know were to start. Then I found out about Yunomi.us on Steepster and decided to give them a try. I have only had Sencha in flavored tea a few times before, but I found it to be overly grassy with not much flavor. And when I say grassy I mean ripped grass from the ground and eaten grassy. MEH! This tea, however, has brought a pleasant new meaning to the flavor profile “Grassy”. Grassy in this case means sweet, fresh, and  light green taste; it is different then say a more heavy vegetable flavor. Continue reading

This song comes from on of my favorite albums that The Ventures did called Ventures in Space. It just has such an unique and interesting sound to it. It leans from classic surf rock sound, to a dark, creepy, eerie or almost orchestral sound. One of the most iconic songs from the album is, “The Twilight Zone” which was used for the TV series. One interesting thing about this album is that all of the weird sounds heard on the album were not made with electronics, but were instead all done by instruments. That is something that you don’t come across often in this digital age and shows the true ingenuity that was The Ventures. If you want to listen to an out of this world sounding album I would check this one out.

Tea: 2013 Spring picked Laoshan Green Tea


Tea: Laoshan Green Tea Spring Picked
Company: Verdant Tea

This is one of Verdant’s staple green tea that is made by the He family. Their tea, grown between the slopes of Taoist holy Mountain Laoshan and the ocean is shaded by mist helping it grow sweet and rich. Currently they have the fresh spring picked version up for sale. I received mine from their Classic Tea of the Month Club Box, along with other spring picked teas that I will be reviewing later this month. This is the first one that I tried, and I brewed this tea gonfu style so that I could see how its’ flavor changed over time. Continue reading

Tea: 52 Tea’s Southern Boy Ice Tea flavors review part 1


Tea: Monkey Fart, Neapolitan Ice cream, Rainbow Sherbert, RazzleBerry
Company: 52 Tea’s Southern Boy Collection

Today I am going to be reviewing 52 Tea’s Southern Boy Tea’s collection in a two part series. There just are too many of them to review at once, so I will be reviewing 4 of them for today. I also have a post on how to brew these tea bags here if you wold like to know how to do so.

A few quick things that I want to mention about this collection is that each tea bag makes up to 2 quarts each and sell for about $2.99 each. However, there is a discount if you buy multiples of a flavor. For instance if you buy 4-9 bags of a flavor it cost only $2.49 each, which saves you between $2-$4.50 of the regular price for that quantity. If you buy 10+ of a single flavor it only costs $1.99 per bag, which can save you a minimum of $10 compared to the regular price. I would also like to mention that these prices include free shipping in the U.S.A. That means that you can try at least one flavor from this collection and only have to pay $2.99 for it (if shipped in the U.S.) Trust me though, you are going to want to try more then one of these flavors.

The first tea that I will be reviewing is Monkey Fart, which is my favorite flavor so far out of the group. Continue reading

How to make 52 ice tea text photoDuring the hot summer months one of my most favorite things to drink is ice tea. One of my favorite brands to make ice tea with is with 52 Tea’s Southern Boy Ice Tea bags. Here is a quick step-by-step process so you can make ice tea with 52 Tea’s ice tea bags at home. Now 52 Tea’s says that you can use the bags to make one quart at a time and to save the bag for another day to use. Personally I like to make 2 quarts all at once so I will show you how to do that. If you wish to only make 1 quart at a time, just half all of the measurements for your water and sweetener (except the 2 cups to steep your tea), and skip step 8. 

First thing that you need to do is clear off a spot on the counter or flat stove top and gather all of your equipment that you will need which are: Continue reading

Tea: Hand Picked Autumn Tieguanyin


Tea: Hand Picked Autumn Tieguanyin
Company: Verdant Tea

I was meaning to do a more in-depth review of this fine tea, but I am out of time for it. Verdant Tea has it on clearance at just $4.20 an ounce! Ok, on to the review.

So far out of all the oolongs that I have tried, my least favorite is  non-roasted or un-aged Tieguanyin. I mean they taste good with there buttery greens and floral flavors, I just a little boring. However, this tea is different. It was processed in such a way that it while having those classic flavors it has a nice tangy gram flavor to it. It adds a lot of depth to it. I recommend brewing it in 6oz of water for western style; the flavor is way stronger.

So if you always drink Tieguanyin, want to try something new, or can’t resist a sale I highly recommend checking this tea out. I would hurry though. Last I checked there was only 4 pounds left.


Update: Upcoming reviews and pictures

I have been so busy in the last few weeks! That and being sick for one of them. I got a lot of great reviews and How To’s coming up so keep a look out. For know here is a photo gallery of some of the teas that I will be reviewing and the new tea ware that I got from Verdant Tea.