Tea: Adagio Teas Part 1



Lately I have been trying some of Adagio sample sizes of their flavors so I decided to make a series of post going over their vast tea selection. Most of all the teas I will be reviewing can be used to make your own custom blends. I hope my reviews help you choose which teas you want to use to mix your very own tea creations! Continue reading

Tea Related: Free-ish Fruit and Match Mix Fruit

adagio matcha fruit mix

So I went on Adagio and saw that they were promoting a new edible fruit mix dusted with matcha. So of course I dove right in for my sample. There is a small catch though. It is $3.75 for basic shipping and you have to have something else that cost money in your cart.

The good thing is though is that they have tons of different teas with most having a sample size option that are about $2. Also when I finished checking out they let me pick from this massive list to add another free sample.

In short, for what comes out to a mere $5.75 I get to try a new fruit mix with matcha, and 2 samples of tea; both of which are said to make 10 cups each.

So if you got a little bit of money to spare and want to try some new teas stop by Adagio Teas before this promo is up.