Tea: Salted Caramel

saltedcaramel1Tea: Salted Caramel
Company: Davids Tea

I received this tea as part of my 3 free samples with my last order with Davids Tea. I have been wanting to try a salted caramel tea for a while now. Caramel and black tea just go so well together. I used my whole 5g sample in 2 cups of boiling water and steeped it chai style for 5 minuets. I was afraid that I might have diluted it to much, since it didn’t seem like there was a lot of leaf in the packet. However, after dividing the tea into two cups and topped it off with sugar and natural vanilla cream it was perfect. The caramel flavor is really strong! It tastes like a dropped a caramel square in the pot; which is pretty much the only thing that could be better then this tea. The only downside of this tea is like with most DT flavored black teas, the base is extremely week with the caramel dominating in flavor. With this tea though this doesn’t brother me a lot, since the caramel is supposed to be the main flavor anyways. I highly recommend this tea for the up coming winter. It is sweet, thick, rich, and hearty. I also recommend Continue reading

Tea: Laoshan Genmaicha


This wonderful tea comes from Verdant Tea. It is there awesome Laoshan Genmaicha. I have had a genmaicha once before, but didn’t really get excited over it, but I decided to give this one a try…….. glad I did. It has a nice robust flavor without being to overpowering or burnt tasting. Unlike most genmaicha this one is a Chinese green tea base. This one in particular that has a rich green bean and buttery taste. With the addition of the toasted rice it almost seems like it just makes the base tea a little more fuller tasting, and adds a great nutty flavor. I just love sipping this tea during my meals. It is almost like I am getting my greens in with out having to eat them; which is good when you are eating sloppy joes. You can also get a good bit of steeps out of it as well. Not to mention the fact that I  love the symbolical combining of the wonderful green tea that Verdant brings in and the use of Verdants’ local rice fused into one tea. From what I have heard from reviewers that have had more experience with genmaicha, this one in particular has a supreme quality and taste compared to most genmaicha. 

Overall I would recommend this to some one who likes Genmaicha or wants to try one that is out of the ordinary.



  • leaf: 1tsp
  • Pot: porcelain
  • Water: 8oz
  • Temp: 185F
  • Steep: 2 minuets