This song comes from on of my favorite albums that The Ventures did called Ventures in Space. It just has such an unique and interesting sound to it. It leans from classic surf rock sound, to a dark, creepy, eerie or almost orchestral sound. One of the most iconic songs from the album is, “The Twilight Zone” which was used for the TV series. One interesting thing about this album is that all of the weird sounds heard on the album were not made with electronics, but were instead all done by instruments. That is something that you don’t come across often in this digital age and shows the true ingenuity that was The Ventures. If you want to listen to an out of this world sounding album I would check this one out.

Just found this awesom song on Pandora. I usally loath Pandora, since when I pick out a band after about two songs it starts to play other bands or genras. However I found this one station that plays (mostly) new blues songs and have been finding a lot of good stuff. Here is there bio that I found for King Kong.

Ethan Buckler was originally the bassist for underground Louisville, KY, sensations Slint during the late ’80s, but Continue reading