TEA: Nina’s Paris Tea sample review


This is a long overdue review of the lovely Nina’s Paris Teas. I was first contacted about trying there teas a while back. When I saw their selection I could not help but choose some free samples to try. After much thought and browsing (seriously they had so many good flavors.) I picked my three

The first one I tried was Marie-Antoinette. I mean it is the flag ship one after all.31aCBQMD7TL

I was a little worried at first, Continue reading

Tea: Adagio Teas Part 1



Lately I have been trying some of Adagio sample sizes of their flavors so I decided to make a series of post going over their vast tea selection. Most of all the teas I will be reviewing can be used to make your own custom blends. I hope my reviews help you choose which teas you want to use to mix your very own tea creations! Continue reading

Tea: 52 Tea’s Southern Boy Ice Tea flavors review part 1


Tea: Monkey Fart, Neapolitan Ice cream, Rainbow Sherbert, RazzleBerry
Company: 52 Tea’s Southern Boy Collection

Today I am going to be reviewing 52 Tea’s Southern Boy Tea’s collection in a two part series. There just are too many of them to review at once, so I will be reviewing 4 of them for today. I also have a post on how to brew these tea bags here if you wold like to know how to do so.

A few quick things that I want to mention about this collection is that each tea bag makes up to 2 quarts each and sell for about $2.99 each. However, there is a discount if you buy multiples of a flavor. For instance if you buy 4-9 bags of a flavor it cost only $2.49 each, which saves you between $2-$4.50 of the regular price for that quantity. If you buy 10+ of a single flavor it only costs $1.99 per bag, which can save you a minimum of $10 compared to the regular price. I would also like to mention that these prices include free shipping in the U.S.A. That means that you can try at least one flavor from this collection and only have to pay $2.99 for it (if shipped in the U.S.) Trust me though, you are going to want to try more then one of these flavors.

The first tea that I will be reviewing is Monkey Fart, which is my favorite flavor so far out of the group. Continue reading

Tea: Earl Black

ss (2013-04-06 at 10.06.14)

Tea: Earl Black
Company: 52 Teas (Zoomdweebies)

I bought this tea on a whim one day during a sale…….Glad I did.

The dry leaf smells really crisp bergamot with the fruity berry smell of currants. Wet leaf smells just the same but with the wet leaf of the tea coming threw as well. I had heard from other people on steepster that this blend was a bit strong, being white tea with bergamot and all. So I decided to brew three steeps together and combine them. It turned out perfect! The bergamot was at perfect level and gave a nice crisp menthol like citrus flavor which was backed up and broadened by the black current flavor. The tea was able to poke out through the flavors as well, adding to the crisp sweetness of the fruits. It doesn’t even need sweetener either. It taste pretty good iced too; flavors are a bit stronger and it leaves this cooling sensation in your mouth.

Overall it is a very good tea. I actually went  a head and bought another pouch. I mean $4.50 for an ounce of tea with free shipping? YESTH! (I am such a sucker for free shipping.) I recommend this tea to anyone who likes strong bergamot tea, but wants something other then a black tea base.

Note: This tea is still currently on sale. 


Brewing Specifics

  • leaf: 1.5tsp
  • Pot: Glass
  • Water: 8oz
  • Temp: 180F
  • Steep: 1:30 minuets; 2 minuets; 2:30 minuets.

Tea: Pineapple Bacon Rooibos


Company: 52 Teas
Tea: Pineapple Bacon Rooibos

No, this is not an early April Fools, this tea is for real. 52 teas is no stranger when it come to putting bacon flavor in their tea’s, but this is the first time it is with rooibos….. AND PINEAPPLE! I love pineapple! Plus I have been wanting a non-caffeinated tea for nights when I have to go into work early.

The dry leaf of the tea is a little weird. The smell reminds me of bubble gum flavor couch syrup…… I don’t know why. The brew it self has that typical rooibos earthy smell with a tinge of pineapple gum flavor. Now the first time I tried this tea, I didn’t get much bacon flavor, just a salty after taste. Then Frank (52 Teas) suggested that I add a pinch of salt to bring out the bacon flavor. THAT HELPED A LOT! With just a shake of salt in my big 16oz mug the flavor really came together  The citric woodsy flavor of the rooibos combined well with the pineapple flavor, which was paired with a savory slightly smoke bacon flavor.

Overall a very interesting tea. The smell is a bit weird (but hey it’s a weird tea), but the warm brew is a tasty concoction of flavor. It would be a nice tea to try for fun or to give to somebody to see there reaction. Did I also mention that this tea is VEGAN; all of 52 teas flavorings are vegan, and Frank uses imitation bacon bits. There are currently 10 left  4 left.

P.S. If you don’t want the bacon flavor so much, just don’t add salt and use a pinch more sugar for a nice pineapple rooibos tea.

Brewing Specifics

  • leaf: 1tsp
  • Pot: Porcelain
  • Water: 8oz
  • Temp: 205F
  • Steep: 8-10 minuets
  • Add a dash of salt to your cup.

Tea Related: Free-ish Fruit and Match Mix Fruit

adagio matcha fruit mix

So I went on Adagio and saw that they were promoting a new edible fruit mix dusted with matcha. So of course I dove right in for my sample. There is a small catch though. It is $3.75 for basic shipping and you have to have something else that cost money in your cart.

The good thing is though is that they have tons of different teas with most having a sample size option that are about $2. Also when I finished checking out they let me pick from this massive list to add another free sample.

In short, for what comes out to a mere $5.75 I get to try a new fruit mix with matcha, and 2 samples of tea; both of which are said to make 10 cups each.

So if you got a little bit of money to spare and want to try some new teas stop by Adagio Teas before this promo is up.