Tea: 2013 Spring picked Laoshan Green Tea


Tea: Laoshan Green Tea Spring Picked
Company: Verdant Tea

This is one of Verdant’s staple green tea that is made by the He family. Their tea, grown between the slopes of Taoist holy Mountain Laoshan and the ocean is shaded by mist helping it grow sweet and rich. Currently they have the fresh spring picked version up for sale. I received mine from their Classic Tea of the Month Club Box, along with other spring picked teas that I will be reviewing later this month. This is the first one that I tried, and I brewed this tea gonfu style so that I could see how its’ flavor changed over time. Continue reading

Tea: Earl Black

ss (2013-04-06 at 10.06.14)

Tea: Earl Black
Company: 52 Teas (Zoomdweebies)

I bought this tea on a whim one day during a sale…….Glad I did.

The dry leaf smells really crisp bergamot with the fruity berry smell of currants. Wet leaf smells just the same but with the wet leaf of the tea coming threw as well. I had heard from other people on steepster that this blend was a bit strong, being white tea with bergamot and all. So I decided to brew three steeps together and combine them. It turned out perfect! The bergamot was at perfect level and gave a nice crisp menthol like citrus flavor which was backed up and broadened by the black current flavor. The tea was able to poke out through the flavors as well, adding to the crisp sweetness of the fruits. It doesn’t even need sweetener either. It taste pretty good iced too; flavors are a bit stronger and it leaves this cooling sensation in your mouth.

Overall it is a very good tea. I actually went  a head and bought another pouch. I mean $4.50 for an ounce of tea with free shipping? YESTH! (I am such a sucker for free shipping.) I recommend this tea to anyone who likes strong bergamot tea, but wants something other then a black tea base.

Note: This tea is still currently on sale. 


Brewing Specifics

  • leaf: 1.5tsp
  • Pot: Glass
  • Water: 8oz
  • Temp: 180F
  • Steep: 1:30 minuets; 2 minuets; 2:30 minuets.