I don’t know about you, but I love monster movies, especially the old ones. They have this child like and humorist charm that brings out the kid in me. When I heard that a new monster movie that was influenced by these old movies was coming out I was ecstatic. The trailers were enough to make you squirm in your seat.

Just last week I went to see Pacific Rim in IMAX 3D and let me tell you Continue reading

Tune: Mothras’ Song
(Mosura No Uta)

I have been hooked on this song for a while now. I just love it’s sweet melody that it has. It a song from from the Toho series; the same one that does Godzilla. This song is for Mothra (Mosura) which is a giant moth creature that generally protects earth and it’s people and is categorized as being, “Pure of Heart”. The song was first sung by  the twin sister group, The Peanuts. The fairies’ famous song “Mosura No Uta” (“Mothra’s Song”) was first written in Indonesian, though the Shobijin (fairies) often sing Japanese approximations to the original lyrics. The song was composed by Yuji Koseki.  These are the lyrics in both Japanese and English: Continue reading